Adventní akce: 15% sleva na celý pobyt do 22. prosince 2024!

Přijeďte si užít kouzlo adventního času v naší útulné atmosféře a objevte jedinečné vánoční trhy v nedalekém Německu. Prožijte nezapomenutelný den v malebných městečkách, jako jsou Herrnhut, Stolpen, Königstein, Pirna, Budyšín , nebo se vydejte na slavné trhy do Drážďan , které vás okouzlí vůní svařeného vína, pečených kaštanů, bratwurst a pohádkovou výzdobou.

Po návratu z adventního dobrodružství na vás čeká klid a pohodlí našeho ubytování – ideální místo pro odpočinek a načerpání sváteční nálady.

Rezervujte svůj pobyt ještě dnes a využijte adventní slevu!

 Volné termíny

Cottage Tollendorf

We would like to welcome you to our family guesthouse called Chata Tollendorf, located in the village of Rozhled near the picturesque town of Jiřetín pod Jedlovou in northern Bohemia. Our guesthouse got its name based on the original German name of the settlement Rozhled – Tollendorf, which was first mentioned as early as 1471. The guesthouse is located in the very heart of the Lusatian Mountains and close to nearby Czech Switzerland. From our windows you can see the romantic ruins of Tolštejn Castle or the Jedlová lookout tower.  Within walking distance, you can also visit the famous Stations of the Cross or explore the adit of St. John the Evangelist. 
We rely on a friendly and family environment that is adapted to all the needs of our guests, to whom we are available throughout their whole stay for their most pleasant experience of their vacation. Come see for yourself and get to know all the beauties of the local region and the mysterious corners of the Lusatian Mountains. Lužických hor.

 Virtuální prohlídka Chaty Tollendorf 💚

Náš příběh

První 4 apartmány otevřeny

We celebrated Easter 2018 by opening our first four apartments Karásek, Pumphut, Wilda and Raschauer

Apartmány hotovy!

In the summer of 2018, we added two more apartments Zelenofouse and Kardinka to our robber family

Projekt "Osvěžovna"

Pohodlí a hlavně hydratace našich hostů je naší prioritou, a proto jsme zprovoznili naši Osvěžovnu, kde si mohou hosté sami načepovat pivo Bernard, dát si prosecco nebo udělat kávu z lokální pražírny Caffe Stodola

Projekt "Vinný sklípek"

As additional entertainment for the guests, we have prepared a wine cellar with a selection of world wines in the oldest part of this cottage, which dates back to 1471!

Glamping Tollendorf

In the summer of 2022, we have prepared a brand new accommodation type for you in the form of two glamping tents with the most beautiful view in the Lusatian Mountains. Come and try this non-traditional accommodation and enjoy the local nature and unspoilt peace.